RV Winter 2023 – Columbus, IN – Columbus, OH

We finally made it to the Eastern Time Zone. We had a very long day of travel and were not allowed to check in to the county park until 5 pm. It is really peaceful and quiet here. This is a week of visiting friends and family.

We enjoyed two beautiful days with our friends. We spent the first day at their lake house on a peaceful pontoon ride followed by a lovely dinner. The next evening they came to our RV for dinner and a visit. Jerry helped me change the GFI and that is not the problem. So still have an electrical issue on board.

Headed to Columbus OH to visit one set of kids and grandkids. The youngest warmed up to us (took a couple of days), apparently, she doesn’t remember meeting us at age 1. Also able to visit a former coworker of Johns after a round of golf. Back nine I even had a decent round. Great fun with kids and grandkids. Dinners, bike rides, games, and fun.

Out of the mouth of babes. On our first bike ride, I went ahead of the group for a while and circled back. The next day the 5-year-old says to me, Nemah when we go riding today you can’t go ahead of us or get behind. I asked her why. She said this is a group event and you need to stay with the group. For my former coworkers, friends, and family even my 5-year-old granddaughter knows I don’t herd well.

Missouri and Mississippi River
Visit with our friends Lake House on Sweetwater Lake, In
Our site at Johnston County Park, IN
Dr. Mark Armfelt’s visit
Site in Galena, OH
Links at Echo Springs
Even the two 1 1/2 year old gets to ride with Austin (dad).