RV Winter 2023 – Lake Havasu, AZ

Arrived at the state park in Lake Havasu after a very long (hehe) 30-minute drive from Parker. Slowly, ever so slowly, working our way back to Michigan. After setting up headed over to the local Eagles for a quick drink.

Drove to Oatman, AZ along Route 66. It was listed as an old ghost and mining town, where burros run wild in the streets and where Clark Gable and Carole Lombard honeymooned. No burros in the street (saw them on the drive in the mountains) and lots of souvenir shops. The drive up the mountains was very pretty. Finished the evening with a fabulous Italian dinner at Angelina’s.

Finished our last night with a narrated sunset cruise on Lake Havasu. Learned a lot about the history of LH and how the London bridge in LH is actually from London and was purchased by McCulloch (McCullock Motors and chainsaws) in 1968 for $2.4 million and dismantled and brought here. It was rebuilt over land connecting Pittsburgh peninsula and the mainland, Once the bridge was in place McCulloch had a channel dug under the bridge turning Pittsburgh peninsula into an island.

Coming into Lake Havasu
Drive to Oatman
Oatman, AZ
Angelina’s Italian
Cactus garden in the park
Canyon area on Lake Havasu
Sunset cruise on Lake Havasu
London Bridge at night