Ennis to Dillion to Alberton, MT- 6/14/20-6/21/20

6/15/20 It was time for some exercise more than just walking around the park. So we decided to go golfing as there is a little 9 hole golf course in Ennis. Since we were playing only 9 we decided to walk. Did I take into consideration 30 mph winds, rolling terrain, or 5000 ft elevation? Of course not, to say the least, I was exhausted by the time we were done.

6/16/20 Today was a travel day from Ennis to Dillion, MT. A relatively short trip albeit through some mountains. This was absolutely the scariest drive we had, and not because of the hills because of an idiot driver that almost caused a fatal accident including us. There was a semi-truck behind us and then 4 or 5 cars behind it. The last car decided to pass us all on the mountain road. The semi slowed up to leave enough room for him to duck in again. He didn’t and there was an oncoming car. Thank goodness the oncoming car saw him because he slowed way down and flashed his lights. We slammed on our brakes (which is hard to stop a 44,000-pound vehicle towing a Jeep. The idiot ran the oncoming car off the road (he was fine) and swerved in front us with literal inches (or at least it felt like that). Needless to say, my heart was racing for quite a while after the incident.

6/17/20 – Mid June and it is 42 degrees and raining here in the mountains. We woke up to no power or water. Apparently the whole park was out. We turned on our generator and got things going and it was only a short time later that all was back to normal.

6/18/20 – We took a day visit to Bannack State Park. It is considered a ghost town but for me just a bunch of old buildings that are dilapidated and wouldn’t be a good flip house. After we decided to take a trail into the mountains. Roads very rough, however, we got near the top and due to the new snowfall the previous day the roads became treacherous, and with all the switchbacks didn’t look like a place to turn around. Finally, we got to a spot where you couldn’t tell the road from anything else and it didn’t appear to be very smart to continue. So we were able to find a spot to turn around and head back. I was a wreck (but quiet – I don’t say much in tense situations if I can’t do anything, just pray), and I knew even John was getting nervous because he turned the radio off. Anyway, we made it safely back to normal terrain.

6/19/20 – I really thought with retirement I was a lot calmer and relaxed. I think I am, however, my patience still needs work. We played golf at a local municipal course. There were four of us and we were walking. In front of us were a family of 5, 2 moms and 3 children. I am pretty sure no one could play golf or know golf etiquette. I don’t have a problem with poor golfers (as I can be one), but just keep pace. We took one hour to play two holes because they were so slow. Finally, a couple of local ladies behind us, told us there was no ranger and they went up and told the family they needed to let us play through. We did, and hence my blood pressure dropped and I enjoyed the company and the golf.

6/20/20 – Drove from Dillion to Alberton (just outside Missoula). Definitely starting to get into the hills as even the interstate is pretty curvy and lots of grade changes. Arrived in our park River Edge. Very small campground with an interesting layout. However, it is on the Clark Fork River overlooking the mountains. So just when I was over the moth infestation (still had one this morning), I come back inside from sitting out and John says “hang on” you have a bug on you. He pulls it off and it is a tick. Never saw a tick before (you don’t see too many living in a condo in the city). He then tells me to comb my hair out and make sure none are on my scalp. Now I am freaking out. I didn’t find any others, but all night I dreamt about them. BTW in Montana, they don’t carry Lyme disease but 4 other horrible diseases. Also after a long walk, I went back to my RV and a dog jumped on me and licked my face. For those of you who don’t know, I am petrified of dogs as I was bitten on the mouth as a child. I screamed pretty loud. All this just after I made the comment I really like this campground.

6/21/20- Today we drove to the big city of Missoula. YEAH, a Costco, Walmart, shopping malls, and Starbucks. I love the outdoors as long as I am close to civilization!

Madison Meadows Golf course in Ennis, MT, with an antelope watching over as Frank teed off
Day trip to Bannack State Park to see the old “ghost” town and then our hike in the park.
Our drive to the mountain we started out pretty well( we have a Jeep) but the higher we climbed the more snow and trickier it got. Finally, we couldn’t see the road so we were able to find a spot to turn around and go back down.
View from our RV in Alberton, MT, River Edge campground