Buffalo, Wyoming- Ennis, Montana 6/6/20-6/14/20

6/6 – Today the temperature went from 88 degrees to 45 in the mountains to 62 back at the campground. So we are going to play cards tonight with our friends and they said: “hey did you notice you have holes in your awning”. Apparently, when we had that hail storm, it destroyed two of our awnings. I hope insurance covers this. Also as we are playing cards and there are about a million moths flying around. We have no idea how they are getting in. Let’s now add when we go to put the two extra chairs away under the bed it looks like we have another mouse visit. The cornhole bags are completely chewed and there is corn everywhere. Oh lordy, why do people like the great outdoors?

6/7 – We have arrived at Reed Point, MT after an extra 12-mile jaunt. The RV park was right at an exit but our GPS (designed for RVs) said we had to go to the next exit and come back (6 miles further). Well, we paid big bucks for that GPS so we are assuming there was a bridge or something we couldn’t go under. We get to the RV park and our friends are already there (they were behind us). My friend was the smart one she called the RV park and they said you could take the first exit the bridge was for people coming from the west.

As we are setting up and cleaning there are moth guts and live moths everywhere. Did you ever see the movie “The Birds” by Alfred Hitchcock? Well, we had our own version of the “The Moths”. I googled how many eggs they can lay and it is between 40 and 1000. If any of those suckers laid eggs on our trip from Wyoming to Montana we are in a heap of trouble.

We are in a very small town and the one and only bar/saloon is closed. We are planning on being here only one day, but there is a winter warning in effect on our way to the next location and high winds They are expecting 12 inches of snow (yes snow in June) above 5500 elevation. Our next site is at 4900 feet, however, we have to travel through higher passes. I hope I can read the state website travel reports correctly.

6/9/20 Arrived safely in Ennis after screaming at John to slow down a few times. It felt like a 100 miles an hour on these windy roads. The speed limit is 70 although I don’t think that means for RVs on these roads. I looked over and he was actually going 50. This was our first time off major highways. I’m not sure I can handle Alaska roads if this is what it’s like all the way.

6/10/20 There are still moths in our RV that hitched a ride from Wyoming. I swear we killed about 10 today. He took a day trip over to Virginia City in Nevada City both old western towns with a population of less than 200. The city is simply reincarnation 100 old buildings built in the 1800s text living back then. I felt like I was at Greenfield Village. Because John threw out one small t-shirt he felt that he could buy a new Western straw hat so he has three pairs of cowboy boots and two Western hats. Really!

6/11/20 What a long day. We drove to Yellowstone and stopped many times along the way. It was 71 miles just to get to the entrance of West Yellowstone. We stopped at Quake Lake (what a sad story of an unexpected earthquake), time Old Faithful perfectly (arrived and within 10 minutes the eruption), stopped at many geysers and walked the 1 million steps to the bottom of Yellowstone Falls, which almost killed me. I really should have bought those hiking boots as my tennis shoes have no sole left on them.

6/12/20- 85 degrees and windy. We noticed that our slide cover has detached from the roller. This is the one that was just replaced a few months ago not the one with all the hailstorm holes. So I climbed up the ladder to figure out how to fix, then John went up and we had to improvise, however, it is fixed. First, we had to go buy a new tool, a square head screwdriver. Seriously there are allen wrenches, star wrenches, phillips, regular and they have to put this on with a square head. I am sure there will be something else we have to fix that requires another new tool. Second, we couldn’t get the square screw in the round loop because it was so tight. SO I took the inside of a ballpoint pen and cut it and we put the screw in one end and the other end in the loop and it gave John the flexibility to get the screw in. So now there is a partial ballpoint pen in our slide cover, I guess if it ever decides to write a story it could.

6/13/20 Just took a quick trip into the local mountains. Couldn’t get very far as the road dead-ended into someone’s private property that was gated. The weather here is crazy, we went from 85 degrees two days ago, to 40 mph sustained winds with 60 mph gusts to rainstorms and 50 degrees.

6/14/20 Today we just did household stuff, like clean and laundry.

New cowboy hat
Drive from Reed Point to Ennis, MT
Rainbow in mountains
Virginia City and Nevada City
View from our campground in Ennis, MT
View of Quake Lake, where an unexpected earthquake came in the middle of the night in 1959 in what was a campground and buried a number of people, over 200 did survive. Very somber to see this.
Yellowstone geysers
Yellowstone Falls, we walked the north rim and down to the falls.