Day 28 – Day 29 Geneva, OH to Galena, OH 10/11/19-10/12/19

Heading to our final destination. Easy park to get out of, followed directions to head back to the highway. I use an app that has height limits so we are on “safe” roads. While leaving today, it had us go through a neighborhood that low branches and we scraped a few, not sure one of them wasn’t a low hanging wire. So John decides to get off the road and go another way, really those roads aren’t on my directions. He says, oh it will be fine they are county roads, and trucks take them. Those 5 miles were a little nerve-wracking but no incidences.

These days were spent close to family which we visited and then headed out Sunday for home. Leaving the campground we also some nail-biting on low wires, branches and what appeared to be a low bridge. The bridge turned out not to be on our route, however, it certainly looked like it at first.

You can tell we are back in Michigan as the roads are horrible.