Day 17 – Day 21 – St. John, NB to Bar Harbor Maine 9/30/19 – 10/4/19

On the drive over we had the high AC voltage light come on again, obviously not on since we are driving. We stopped for fuel (and remembered to put the gas cap back on) and when we started again the light did not come on.

Actually a pretty uneventful drive other than when we hit the two-lane roads in Maine heading to our campsite. Truly hoping, for now, low lines or trees. I do use an application that tells us if we have enough clearance on all our routes however as you are going through you never know.

This is the location where we met up with our 3 other couples friends. So the next 5 days are just exploring. Arrival on Monday with a nice dinner. Tuesday we drove to Camden Maine and did some sightseeing, Wednesday we played golf with one of the couples. Nice course however tough undulating greens. Thursday was our tour through Acadia National Park meeting our friends for dinner and drinks at Beals.

Friday more driving to Schoodic Point enjoying our last day with friends finished by a wonderful dinner at the Chart Room.