Day 16 – Truro, NS to St. John, NB 9/29/19

It is hard to believe we are starting our last day in Canada and we’ve been on the road for two weeks each day gets easier and easier and just have to realize minor things happen.

Well, I spoke too soon. As we were raising the jack’s we heard a pop. No idea what that was. As we are pulling away I noticed there is a red light on the AC panel that says high voltage. I do know when we heard the pop the electricity was already disconnected. The light was not there when I started the departure process. We need to figure this out before we plugin again. We also have a purchased external voltage protector and an internal one. The lights Indicated all was fine when I unplugged. I turned off all inverters and turned back on. Same indicator light still on.

At the campground, which is just a large parking lot, however, a restaurant onsite. We play with the electricity, and I turn all the inverters off then back on, magically, the red light when off. It is still a mystery to me.

Cruise ship coming in

Drive to St. John