Day 10 – Quebec City to Edmunston, NB 9/23/19

WOW, we have made it just over a week and every day it seems to become more relaxing. So usually the night before we travel I don’t sleep as well as I worry about all the items we have to do (by the way we now have a checklist), weather, parking and a myriad of other items. I really thought last night would be different, as the routine is becoming well routine. However, in the wee hours of the morning, the wind started kicking up, RV was vibrating and there were thunder and lightning bolts. Now I get to worry about being blown off the road and blinding rain, I was beginning to wonder if I was too relaxed, not a chance.

We had to do the departure procedures in the rain but we are used to that from boating. On the road, we go, and I am definitely starting to relax a little more, as I am working on my computer as John is driving. Hold on, that lasted about a ninety minutes and then we got a high exhaust temperature warning on our dash. John says can you look it up, so I do, and the first thing I find is engine could seize and cause severe damage. I then call the nearest diesel repair and they can’t get us in. Lo and behold the light goes out and doesn’t come back on. That night did more research on my favorite Facebook group for our type coaches and as long as it goes out it is actually okay. We arrive safe and sound.

We decide to explore a little and this area in New Brunswick still speaks French. I know a little bit of French, Spanish, and German. No matter where I am I always answer in the wrong language. So most of the time in Quebec I answered in Spanish. When I was in the Dominican Republic this winter I would answer in French. One of the days, I will get it right.

Tomorrow is another one day drive.

View on our drive from QC to NB

Color tour is beginning