The Perfect RV-NOT

So let’s backtrack. We have been planning on buying this RV for 5 years and traveling to Alaska in the summer of 2020. So in 2018, we started our search for an RV. We read, researched and finally decided we were going to purchase a 35-40 ft Tiffin Phaeton about 5-7 years old. We read all the reviews and even visited one in New Orleans in the fall of 2018. Our goal was to have the RV by April 2019 and practice in the summer so we could take our first trip fall of 2019 to Eastern Canada and Maine with some friends. By March we hadn’t purchased one yet so we decided to go to an RV dealer about 80 miles away as they had a Tiffin in their lot. Well, it turns out it didn’t have all the bells and whistles we wanted, which were sufficient HP, dishwasher and washer/dryer (as I am not traveling for a year without these comforts) and if possible a king-sized bed.

The salesperson decided to show us a different model, 2012 American Coach Revolution that was in great shape with very few miles. We purchased without any additional research and hence our problems began.

On our first trip, the engine light came on, the slide came out and made a horrendous noise. Back to the dealership, it went, after 2 more weekends and trips to the same dealership. Here is what the dealership told us, “it is our fault on the slide, we just have to know when to stop pushing the button”. Really, I called the manufacturer they assured me that wasn’t correct. So off to a new dealership/service center we went. They discovered the wrong control panel was in the RV, so they replaced it and it worked great. So off for another weekend to test it again. Now the other slide didn’t work, so back to the new dealer, it went. They fixed it.

In addition, the engine light was still coming on intermittently so off to the Cummins dealer. They replaced a panel and all seems to be fine for now.

On to our 3rd weekend of using the RV before our big trip next month. This trip we were traveling on our own, to make sure we could use all the systems without assistance. So I decided to wash a load of clothes (I had already washed before and it was fine). Well, no water was getting to the machine and I got an H code error. The manual is worthless for items like this, it just tells me how to wash clothes. So I googled it, no H codes only F codes. So I posted on my trusty Facebook group my question on what could be the problem. The consensus seemed to be a faulty board. Yes our good deal on the RV doesn’t seem to be that any longer.

So now my sheets were locked in the washer and I couldn’t get them out. So with a little help from my FB friends, I found where the access panel was and unplugged the machine and got my sheets out. I decided I wanted to pursue fixing this, so I tried another load and got an F1 code, which says, faulty board. SO back to dealer to fix this. I just received a call and not only is the circuit board faulty many other parts are too. So hopefully this will be fixed before we head out in a week, or off the laundry mat we go.