Day 1 of the Fall Trip-East Lansing to Sarnia (9/14/19)


Here is our planned route. East Lansing, MI, Sarnia, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, Edmundston, Upper Queensbury, Novia Scotia (with side trips to Prince Edward Island PEI), Bar Harbor, Salisbury, Albany, Ohio then home.  Because it is our first day on the road we decide to make it a shorter trip only 120 miles, as we have to cross the Blue Water International bridge and clear customs.  We read all the articles about what was acceptable so we really don’t bring any food only our two bottles of allowed alcohol and even remembered our passports.  The friends that we are traveling with aren’t leaving for a week and going a different route and we will meet in Maine.  So they text us when we were about 40 minutes into the trip and ask how it is going, as we are the least experienced in the group.  I laugh and say we haven’t killed each other, died, or broken down yet, so far so good. 

We cross the bridge and clear customs without incident. Now I wish I brought more wine. Our first stop is the casino parking lot in Sarnia.  I had already called the manager and they have a large extra lot that they allow RV parking.  We miss the exit (even though I have printed out all our instructions) so we have to go to the next exit.  No big deal however instead of getting back on the highway we go through town.  Well, my GPS on my phone isn’t keeping up with our speed so we miss the turn to the casino and now we have to turn around. Remember when you tow a vehicle you cannot back up so we have to make a wide circle.  John finds a spot and does a remarkable job and we just miss a fire hydrant but he does it.  The auxiliary parking lot is empty and we have a lot of room to maneuver and we park along the back.  We get set up without incident.

We went for a little walk along the Port Huron river. Also, it is football Saturday so off to the casino, have a few drinks, gamble a little (John won and I lost) and then have dinner. OMG, the drink prices are insane.  A draft of Bud light is over $8 Canadian. So much for free drinks, LOL.

All in all a pleasant evening, so back to the RV, turn on the generator and off to bed we go.

View of Blue Water Bridge from casino parking lot

Our parking spot for the first night
River view