Prep for the first trip – our month long excursion to Canada


Wow, Friday the 13th and a Full Moon. Today is the day we pick up our RV up from the repair place ready to begin our first 30 days of travel.  Off to Grand Rapids, 60 miles away, we go.  We pick it up knowing the washing machine still isn’t done.  Why?  Because the warranty company hasn’t returned the dealership calls to determine whether they should replace it with a new washer or repair it.  Yes, that was one of my conditions in buying an RV.

So we hook up the Jeep and tow it home, which we have done many times.  Why? Again because the RV has been in repair at least 4 times to work out different bugs, which was the plan before we took our first long adventure. We are 2 miles from home and I look at my husband and say, I just realized I never put the transmission back in park.  He looks at me a calmly says you realize you just ruined the transmission in our new jeep. You see when you tow, you are supposed to put the tranny in neutral, shift the transfer case to neutral then put the tranny in Park, except this time I forgot.  We get home and detach the jeep and it appears to work. Hopefully, I dodged that bullet.

Now it is time for us to load the RV. We park it in the street (as we live in a condo) pull out the slides and start the process.  OMG how are we ever going to sell our condo and live in the RV we took all day to load it for just a month and it certainly doesn’t look like we made a dent in the house.  Once we are done my husband, John, puts the slides back in. As he is doing that he sees the TV being crunched.  Yup, we have an auxiliary TV that is on a bracket in the salon area and you have to make sure it is pushed in otherwise the TV gets caught in the slide.

I’m getting ready to go to a quick meeting, yes I am the only one in our group still working, and as I walk out the door, I turn to John and say hey if you want to sell the RV before I get home that’s okay.

Crunched TV