RV Winter 2024 – Columbus, OH

We arrived in the Columbus area a day earlier than planned to chaperone our granddaughter, Emma’s, field trip. We went to a local farm where they did train rides, watched pig races, climbed obstacle courses, and various other events. After we stopped for ice cream and then brought her back to the RV while John and Emma played putt-putt golf, dodge dodgeball, and played in the playground before her sister and parents arrived for dinner and a fire.

On Saturday John and Alyssa went to the OSU – Maryland football game, Austin worked and I babysat both girls. We went for long walks, played games, watched movies, and played princess.

Sunday John and I did a hike at the local state park followed by watching Sunday football.

Monday we golfed at Cumberland Trail in Pataskala. We really liked this course except this time we were disappointed in the course management. They allowed 5 and 6 some’s and really slowed down play. We quit after 14 holes went over to the kid’s house and babysit while they did a date night.

On Tuesday we got ready to leave and had dinner with Dr. Armfelt and Sara Lynn. It is always great to catch up with them.

On our way to Camp Creek, WV for a few nights.

First time on a bus for Emma and entrance to farm

Alyssa and John at OSU game
Hike at Alum State Park
Berkshire campground
Visit with Dr. Armfelt and Sara Lynn