RV Winter 2023 – Tucson late Dec

Enjoyed dinner with my cousins and their friend at a Mexican restaurant followed by walking through the lights in the Winterhaven neighborhood. What an elaborate program. Thousands of people walking through along with carriage rides, peddle bikes, and wagon rides. We walked the community and the displays were impressive. Our bill for the two of us at a Mexican restaurant was $80. I had a quesadilla and John had fajitas. Margaritas were $14 each. Eating out (and drinking) is getting pretty expensive. We found a dive bar across from the neighborhood; the same beer and wine were $8 in total. We should have just ordered Mexican food at their food truck and drank there.

Golfed at Crooked Tree. Trying to get as many different courses in as we can. Nice course, although had to dodge some coyotes on one of the holes. They looked pretty healthy and not afraid. Had a decent score, so can’t complain.

Christmas Eve had Happy Hour with our friends followed by our wonderful Christmas Eve dinner that John cooked. Steak, baked potatoes, and green beans with good wine. Christmas day was a potluck at the park. Had dinner with some nice people.

Played golf at Crooked Tree. They had a frost delay (yup even in Tucson) so we were paired up with two guys from the area. Very nice and enjoyed the round after being nervous on the first two holes I played well. On a few of the holes, the coyotes got a little too close to us for my comfort.

Finished the year by attending the Barstool Bowl game in Tucson on Friday followed by a tailgate at Gleasons with more football on TV on Saturday with no Big 10 wins. We bought tickets before we knew were playing. It turned out to be Ohio University versus Wyoming. A great game that finished in OT with an Ohio win. The pregame show included 6 skydivers followed by a military flyover.

Happy New Year and everyone have a fabulous 2023. My word for the year is manifest.

Casa Molina before the lights
Winterhavven Neighborhood lights
Winterhavven Neighborhood lights
Winterhavven Neighborhood lights
Christmas Eve
Christmas Dinner 2022