RV Winter 2023 – San Antonio

Sunday we went to the local Eagles (nothing like the one in Whitehall) to play bingo. They only play 6 six games and 4 corners or straight bingo on each one, so we were done in 40 minutes. If you bingo within the first 9 numbers you get the “jackpot” instead of the consolation prize. Woohoo, I won the third game on the 9th number and won $350. So the 20-mile drive wasn’t so bad.

We were told the River Walk into town wasn’t that safe. They claimed a lot of homeless people etc. So Cheryl went with me for the walk. We didn’t see any homeless on our walk and it was pleasant. We even walked to the Mission Concepcion and visited the church. It was established in 1716 and is considered the oldest unrestored church in the nation. It is still an active Catholic church.

Played golf at the local municipal golf course. Pretty expensive course for a very average city course. My game is getting worse. It is getting so bad that I even scheduled a lesson for my arrival in Tucson next week. After golf, we went to a couple of local pubs.

We took the bus into town and visited The Alamo followed by a nice stroll on the San Antonio Riverwalk. They have done a great job in that area. Enjoyed a few cocktails followed by dinner.

Played pickleball and did relatively well considering it has been a while. They have a very nice pickleball court. Saturday was spent watching the obligatory football games and Sunday we traveled. As we were getting ready to leave this morning our alarms went off when we turned on the RV. We have no idea what caused it (usually it is an indication that something isn’t set right). We checked everything and nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary, so we departed. We should be in Tucson on Wednesday, provided the alarm wasn’t anything to worry about.

Mission Concepcion
Golf – Riverside SAT
San Antonio Riverwalk
The Alamo