Day 4-Milton to Gananoque, ON 9/17/19

I wake up this morning and open the shades and our awning is down. Last night I went into one of the drawers for something and apparently I hit the remote button accidentally. Time to find a safer place for that.

Time to start the departure process. For the last 3 days every time we started the engine alarms went off. I did some googling and it was one of the following, new battery in remote (which makes no sense), low air, or something obstructive like antenna or awnings out. After a few minutes it went off so we were just going to monitor. So last night we tried to watch TV through the antenna but could only get one station. Everyone else was saying they got 30. Oh well. However as we were lowering the antenna this morning it wouldn’t go all the way down so John had to climb on top of the bus and he figures out there was a catch stopping it. So realligned that and down it went. Magically the alarms didn’t go off when starting this time. Hopefully that was it.

Our drive today was the longest yet, 226 miles. As we are getting ready to leave we realize our route takes through downtown Toronto with tons of construction, I am panicking. Our neighbor tells us to take the outer belt 407 it’s a toll road but you miss it all. The toll roads just take pictures of your license plate and mail you the bill. Another neighbor later says don’t take 407 just go through downtown it’s like a hundred bucks on the outer belt. Believe me, a hundred dollars is worth not going through downtown with a 42 foot RV towing a jeep. So 407 it is. However as we were entering onto the freeway it says if you are over 5 tonnes, which we are, you must have a transporter. Guess what we don’t have a transporter. I can only wait to see what our fines are going to be.

Because this is a long drive we decide we’re going to stop at a rest area which in Canada is like a service area with gas stations, restaurants, and parking.

We pull into the first one when we’re ready to stop and there are absolutely no spaces. Remember when you’re towing a jeep you can’t back up so now we have to maneuver between huge trucks to get back on the highway and search for another one. Another two days of my life gone because of anxiety.

Well, we finally arrived at our destination for the night which is another casino parking lot. As we pull in we realize we can’t make the turn easily so we take a different parking lot in hopes of turning around and coming in a different direction. Yes, we are doing that and security stops us and tells us we can’t stay there because lots of trucks come and use those spots at night. We explain what we’re doing and he said ok then that is fine. We finally get into the overflow parking, park, open slides and meet other travelers in the parking lot.

Yes, I’m rummaging through our drawer again trying to find some cables and our awning opens again. Remember I put the remote in a different spot so this wouldn’t happen. Guess what we have two remotes now they’re both in that spot. Let’s just hope more remotes don’t show up. However, if it is anything like the TV, satellite (which we don’t have the service), and DVD remotes they multiply.

Gananoque RV parking (casino)

Lake Ontario driving to Gananoque, ON on 401